Working for Better Cities
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City Planning

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City Planning

We have helped develop a range of land use and development plans for cities and neighborhoods, with a particular emphasis on using land use and economic tools to create more “high opportunity” areas, with diverse housing options in compact, walkable neighborhoods with access to good schools, open space and quality transit options.  

CASE STUDY: 2006 DC Comprehensive Plan

As the Director of the DC Office of Planning, Ellen oversaw the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan for the District of Columbia, adopted unanimously by the City Council in 2006.  Subtitled “Growing an Inclusive City”, the Comp Plan was developed as a result of 4 years of trend analysis and studies, through the diligent work of the staff of the Office of Planning and some excellent consultants and with extensive input from citizens in all wards of the city.  It provided the planning and development framework which has guided the emergence of a revitalized city and established guidelines to preserve communities and foster social inclusion.